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Integrated Marketing Communication Plans:


Bridgercare IMC Plan


This integrated marketing communications plan preforms a S.W.O.T Analysis on Bridgercare and the industry of reproductive healthcare. This information was then used to develop marketing goals and identify a target audience. A set of key marketing messages were formed to best communicate with the now targeted audience. Marketing strategies and tactics were then created to best reach these messages to the target audience. Implementing this plan increases brand awareness and helps to build strong brand loyalty among Bridgercare’s patients. Metrics are also described in detail to measure the effectiveness of each tactic as well as budget plans and an implementation timeline.


This IMC plan will provide direction and suggestions to help Bridgercare develop effective and innovative marketing communications techniques aimed to maximize its success.

Thrive IMC Plan


This integrated marketing communications plan preforms a S.W.O.T Analysis on Thrive and the industry of family health and developmental care. This information was then used to develop marketing goals and identify a target audience. A set of key marketing messages were formed to best communicate with the now targeted audience. Marketing strategies and tactics were then created to best reach these messages to the target audience. Implementing this plan increases brand awareness and helps to build strong brand loyalty among Thrive’s customers and donors. Metrics are also described in detail to measure the effectiveness of each tactic as well as budget plans and an implementation timeline.


This IMC plan will provide direction and suggestions to help Thrive develop effective and innovative marketing communications techniques aimed to maximize its success.

Digital Marketing:

BigSky Bravery


The primary goal of the Google Ads campaign was to stimulate Big Sky Bravery’s marketing efforts by driving monetary and sky mile donations in hopes to increase the capacity of its programs. We chose to run three campaigns to work towards this goal: a Monetary Donation Campaign, a SkyMiles Campaign, and an Education Campaign. Our team chose to take on each section individually and compete for the best results. I was in charge of the Education Campaign. 

Stoney River

Montana Maintenance and Services LLC


This website is still in progress We are awaiting higher quality pictures and connecting the website to google channels.

Print Marketing:

Gauge on Copper Distillery Vat

Lolo Creek Distillery


This all started when my bar manager mentioned it would be nice to have more information on our Lolo Creek Distillery liquor. So, I created a brochure to hand out to guests, which were a big hit. 

I then took on a project that required a diagram of the Lolo Creek distilling process. The final work is all hand drawn and painted both digitally and in multi-media. Its goal was to explain in simple terms how liquor came to be liquor

I also hand crafted a plaque for "Grampa Georges Whiskey Thief". This was modeled after a trail sign and my dad's old timey handwriting. It was originally going to be burnt, but the stain used limited high contrast for easy readability so I used a rotary tool to carve out the letters. 

Lastly, I created sell sheets with recipes on the back to provide customers with more ways to use Lolo Distillery products.  


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